Hello everybody, today I’m going to show you how to make kimchi with Asian chives (a.k.a garlic chives), which are buchu in Korean. It’s called buchu-kimchi, and it’s simple and fast to make but very delicious. It’s refreshing with a green onion-y, chive-y taste that’s lively and spicy. I like to eat this kimchi best when it’s fresh, almost like a kimchi salad. It doesn’t have to be fermented for you to enjoy it, but you can ferment it if you want.

Once I taste this kimchi, I automatically think about rice. It goes well with rice and when combined with a stew (like doenjang-jjigae) and a fish side dish (like seasoned pan fried flatfish) it’s a perfect meal.

I made this kimchi for my readers who came to my meetup in Paris. It was a potluck party, and everyone brought their best dishes, as well as Korean food and even real French cheeses and wine. Everything was gorgeous and delicious, you can’t find that kind of food anywhere else in the world! You see some of the dishes in this video but there were many more, they kept coming as the night went on!

When I went to Paris I didn’t know what I was going to make for the party, but I checked the Korean grocery store listings for France on my website and found K Mart (thanks newhatchepsout for posting it!), and there I found good quality napa cabbage and Asian chives. I got the idea to make two kinds of kimchi: buchu-kimchi (the recipe on this page) and traditional mak-kimchi (which I posted a long time ago) with French oysters.

I don’t know why they have such nice buchu in Paris but the buchu there had long stems, good color, and was so fresh and tender that I immediately decided to make buchu-kimchi with it as soon as I saw it.

What a wonderful party we had! I thank everyone for coming and especially thank Maria Saad and her husband for offering to host the party for us. They put a tremendous effort to make the night successful.

I tried to taste all kinds of foods when I was in Paris. Check out my blog post to see what kinds of places I went to and the things I tried. I hope you enjoyed this video. I have more videos from France coming up so stay tuned!

buchu-kimchi (chive kimchi: 부추김치)

Buchu-kimchi at the potluck party in Paris



Prepare the chives:

  1. Cut the buchu into 2½ inch long pieces and put them in a large bowl. Add the fish sauce and mix by hand to evenly spread the fish sauce in the pieces.buchu kimchi (chive kimchi: 부추김치)buchukimchi-fishsauce
  2. Let it sit for 30 minutes, turning it over every 5 minutes.

Make porridge:

  1. Mix sweet rice flour with 1 cup of water in a small pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  2. A few minutes later when it starts bubbling, add sugar and stir for another minute.
  3. Remove from the heat and let it cool thoroughly. porridge

Make kimchi:

  1. Move the salty buchu into a strainer over a bowl so it captures any salty water drippings.
  2. There will be some salty liquid left over in the bowl. Add the cooled porridge and hot pepper flakes. Mix it well with a wooden spoon. chive kimchi (buchu kimchi)
  3. Add onion, buchu, and the strained salty water drippings. Mix it all together gently. Sprinkle the sesame seeds.buchu-kimchi-seasonings chive-kimchi-mixingchive-kimchi-insta


  1. You can serve it right away with rice, or put it in an airtight container to eat later.
  2. If you want to ferment the kimchi, keep it at room temperature for a couple of days until it tastes a little sour, then put it in the fridge.

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  1. MaangchiLove Montreal, Toronto joined 8/19 & has 59 comments

    My first buchu kimchi done :D

    See full size image

  2. What can we do with old buchu kimchi (few weeks old)? It doesn’t seem like we could make into a jjigae, or could we?

  3. lemons Chicago, IL, USA joined 3/20 & has 5 comments

    Hi Maangchi – thank you again for the recipe, I’ve been making it a lot! This is one of my very favorites, especially to use when making a soup that has kimchi in it. My roommate loves it, too, and keeps asking if she can share, LOL

  4. Keepitsimple Kansas City joined 12/15 & has 4 comments

    My first ever kimchi!! I made spring onion kimchee with the 6 lbs of onions I harvested from my garden after we used all the fresh onions we could. Instead of using only your recipe for 1lb, I also took some instruction from “The Korean Kimchi Cookbook” by Kim Man-Jo.

    I am very pleased with the end result except that I used salt and fish sauce but no sugar which has resulted in an overly salty batch. I may have to unpack my jars and add some sugar to offset the saltiness.

    Now to convert some of my cabbages into easy Kimchi

    See full size image

  5. Tessa United States joined 5/14 & has 3 comments

    Made this a few days ago. It is so delicious. I made 3 pounds so I could send some home with my sister. I’m currently eating more right now with rice. Yum

    See full size image

  6. Mikeyj Detroit area joined 4/19 & has 3 comments

    I’ve been a fan of Maangchi’s for a long time, but this is the first time I made this kimchi- and it came out perfectly, of course.

    See full size image

  7. stonefly Olympia WA joined 11/11 & has 61 comments


    I am making this tomorrow! One thing: I miss you 80’s background music from the New Wave!!!

  8. Happy Jack Burton massachusetts, us joined 9/18 & has 5 comments

    I didnt use the rice porridge this time because the chives give off a little little bit of “slime” when sitting in the fish sauce that grab the spices really well! This has such a nice flavor! my partner said it reminds her of her favorite vietnamese digging sauce.

    See full size image

  9. JOLEN JEON Gimcheon, South Korea joined 1/18 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maanchi! I would like to let you know that your blogs and videos are truly marvelous and a life saver! I just moved here in korea and my husband (korean) simply adores my cooking thanks to your recipes!!! I came from the Philippines so i usually make 2 dishes every meal one korean and one Philippine dish.. thank you so much for sharing your talent with everyone!

  10. California Carol California joined 11/17 & has 2 comments

    Can I substitute regular chives and chili powder when making Asian Chive Kimchi? The closest Korean market is an hour away. If it’s important to use only gochu-garu, I could order from Amazon…

  11. Lilyy138 Atlanta, GA joined 5/17 & has 1 comment

    I just made this for me and a friend. I left a little bit out but I’m going to ferment most of it. Can’t wait o:

  12. John in Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Louisiana joined 12/16 & has 40 comments

    I LOVE buchu kimchi. It’s my favorite! I’m not able to make it yet because I don’t have buchu, but I plan to plant some in the spring. So for now I buy my buchu kimchi at the korean grocery store. It’s absolutely wonderful… Next summer I’ll be harvesting my own buchu and I cannot wait to make my own kimchi with it :)

  13. debbie lu wadkins 67 greenmoore irvine ca joined 12/16 & has 1 comment

    Hey maangchi nextime could you share the recipe for soondae gukbap and serve with this buchu kimchi

  14. HallyuPumba India joined 12/16 & has 5 comments

    I have a question that has been bugging me for a while – is gochu-garu different than the normal red chilli flakes available elsewhere? If it is different, then how? And if I use the normal red chilli flakes in a dish calling for gochu-garu, how will the taste differ?

  15. km hong kong joined 12/16 & has 3 comments

    hi there
    i want to know the actual size of red cup which use for measure water or something like that

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