It’s all vegetables. So very delicious. We had so much zucchini in the garden and green onion, I decided to make yachejeon.

The recipe is here.


  1. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

    Zucchini and green onions are very delicious when you make Korean pancake! It looks awesome! I see some chopped green chili pepper, too! : )

    • Souavarat Houston, Texas joined 9/10 & has 45 comments

      Yes! I am glad you saw the green Korean chili peppers I added it for great flavor, but I did not grow the peppers. I bought the peppers from the local Korean H-Mart. My pepper plants did not grow very well this year due to the large amounts of rain I think. But the yachaejeon was so delicious with rice and the dipping sauce and soup. Thanks again Maangchi! :D

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