
I’m such a big fan of Szechuan Ma Po tofu that I could write a poem about it ! ha-ha !
I couldn’t resign to make a variant recipe. It’s so perfect, why, why would I cook it differently from how it is ? This is how it is ment to be !
But I decided to trust you Maangchi and I don’t regret it ;)
The Korean style Ma Po tofu looks and tastes very different but has it’s own personnality, that’s why it is good, in a different way but good anyway !
Szechuan Ma Po tofu is like a hot late evening in a heatwave when Korean style Ma Po tofu is like a getting sunburnt during a walk on a bright day.
Sweet, spicy spicy and yes, refreshing :)

The recipe for Korean-style mapo tofu – Mapadubu is here!


  1. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 593 comments

    “Szechuan Ma Po tofu is like a hot late evening in a heatwave when Korean style Ma Po tofu is like a getting sunburnt during a walk on a bright day.”
    That means Korean style is spicier? haha! BTW, what a great mapa dubu meal!

    • Nayko france joined 10/18 & has 34 comments

      Hello Maangchi !
      I would’nt say spicier even if the effect is more obvious.
      Doubanjiang, marinated chilies and Szechuan pepper-corn give a deep, radiant and overwhelming spiciness.
      Gochugaru, green chili pepper and gochujang give an instantaneous kick, a sharp and bright spiciness.
      One has the voice of a baritone, the other has the voice of a soprano.
      And at the end, the two songs will make you sweat !!

      Yeah it was a wonderful meal, the eggplant side dish in order to cool down the spiciness, kimchi because it’s a Korean meal and rice of course (half rice and half lentils regarding the few extra pounds I gained this year :)

    • Nayko france joined 10/18 & has 34 comments

      As a conclusion to this post, I couldn’t resist to send you a picture of the Ma Po tofu made last night in its original version.
      And actually I think about developping my own version based on both Sichuan an Korean versions…

      See full size image

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