Kimchi is a staple of Korean life and many Koreans include it in their meals three times a day. You can eat it by itself, or use it in so many different Korean recipes. When Koreans make kimchi, they make an effort to make the best kimchi possible and include many regional ingredients.

Today I will show you how to make a traditional-style kimchi with oysters, and we’ll also make radish kimchi (“kkakdugi”) with the same kimchi paste, which saves us from having to make these two kinds of kimchi separately. This is how I make kimchi and kkaktugi, because I need both in my house, but you might be interested in my “easy kimchi” (mak kimchi) recipe if you don’t have a lot of time, or in my kakdugi recipe if you want to make only kakdugi, or make my traditional napa cabbage kimchi recipe by itself if that’s all you need. Also, if you don’t like oysters, you can leave them out.

Many people think you have to wait for kimchi to be fermented before eating, but personally I prefer to eat fresh kimchi, as soon as I make it. And I like to make stew (kimchi-jjigae) out of older kimchi.



  1. Cut the cabbages in half, and then slit each half through the core, but not through the rest of the leaves.
  2. Soak each piece in cold water and sprinkle salt over the each leaf , and then set it aside for 2 hours.
    *tip: the stems should get more salt than the leaves
  3. Peel 2 kg of Korean radishes and cut them into 1 inch cubes. Do this by cutting them into several disks, and then cutting horizontally, and then vertically. Put them in a big bowl and sprinkle them with ¼ cup of kosher salt. Then set these aside, too.
  4. 2 hours later, turn the pieces of cabbage over so they get salted evenly. Turn the radishes as well.
  5. Another 2 hours later, you will see the cabbage look softer than before, and it should have shrunk.
    *the total salting process will take 4 hours
  6. Rinse the salted cabbage and radish with cold water 3 times.


Making Kimchi paste:

Make porridge

  1. Put ½ cup of sweet rice flour and 3 cups of water into a skillet and mix them up. Then cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.
  2. When you see some bubbles, pour ¼ cup of sugar into the porridge and stir one more minute. Then cool it down.
  3. Place the cold porridge into a big bowl. Now you will add all your ingredients one by one.
  4. Add  fish sauce, hot pepper flakes, crushed garlic, ginger, and onion
    *tip: it’s much easier to use a food processor.
  5. Add green onions, Asian chives, and radish.
  6. Add  2 cups of frozen oysters, but this is optional. (I found out lots of people can’t eat them.)
  7. Mix all ingredients well.

Are you ready to spread our paste on the leaves and make your kaktugi?

* I recommend you wear rubber gloves so that you don’t irritate your skin.

  1. Spread the kimchi paste onto each leaf of the cabbage, and make a good shape out of the leaves by slightly pressing with both hands.
  2. Put it into an air- tight sealed plastic container or glass jar.
  3. Mix your leftover paste with your radish cubes to make kkakdugi.

You can eat it fresh right after making or wait until it’s fermented. Put the Kimchi container at room temperature for 1 or 2 days and keep it in the refrigerator.

How do you know it’s fermented or not?

One or 2 days after, open the lid of the Kimchi container. You may see some bubbles with lots of liquids, or maybe sour smells. That means it’s already being fermented.

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  1. ash79 kuching,sarawak, borneo, malaysia joined 9/11 & has 1 comment

    thanks i love ur recipe keep it up gurl.

  2. kreezim Vancouver, Canada joined 7/11 & has 1 comment

    Hello Maangchi, I have really enjoyed learning how to make Korean food from your site! I have had several Korean homestay students live with me and I have tried to make them “home” cooked food whenever possible. One time, when I had a 12 year old Korean boy we make kimchi. It was a hilarious experience because he was on the phone to his mom getting coached about the recipe and then trying to translate it back into English for me. Ha. It turned out well BUT he forgot to translate one important step. WASH out the SALT. Yikes. We dissolved in tears when we called back the mom and she explained what had happened! Ha. Anyway, I have a quick question-Can pears be substituted for the sugar in the kimchi or is sugar pivotal to the fermenting process? Thank you for your site it saves on the often crazy “translating” problems.

    • Kim Yunmi United States joined 7/12 & has 30 comments

      Sugar is not pivotal to the fermentation process. Lactobacilli which make cheese also make kimchi and they don’t usually add sugar to cheese–the nappa cabbage alone has enough sugar. Trust me on this one. ^^;; Every few years, if not every year, I do a Kim Jang where I experiment.

      You can, for kicks add Asian Pear, but that would make it royal kimchi (something a King would eat). =P The upper class tends to use pears in Korea. That might soften the vinegar taste a bit, if sharp isn’t to your liking.

      I personally prefer it without sugar since I like the super fermented kimchi taste. (Which Seoul-ites don’t like).

  3. PaullyG Perth, Australia joined 8/11 & has 2 comments

    My Uncle used to be a pilot for Asiana, living in Korea he picked up a taste for kimchi, later when visiting him in Singapore he introduced me to it, I was about 16 at the time and it was probably the most amazing thing I’d ever tasted. Returning to Australia I hadn’t seen it anywhere since, until a couple weeks ago when my wife and I stumbled upon a Korean restaurant, I’m 33 now. While the rest of the food there was excellent, the kimchi was obviously freshly made and lacked the punch I remembered. Last weekend I decided I would make my own and google found me your site. I followed this recipe without oysters as they were the one flavour I didn’t like in my uncles kimchi, I had some good quality mustard powder left over from another dish, something told me to add it. I’m glad I did, the kimchi is a week old now and tastes fantastic, the mustards flavour is hidden in the other flavours but it adds a wasabi like punch to the heat of the chili, it’s quite awesome. I’ve also made a number of other dishes from your site, each one so far has turned out excellent and I’m learning to work with all these new ingredients fast. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and talents.

  4. K_Moodswing Singapore joined 7/11 & has 2 comments

    Maangchi Help,
    I try making kimchi using your recipes,
    it turns out to be too salty…
    how to reduce the saltiness??
    plz reply soon, thank you..

  5. hailiz MALAYSIA joined 7/11 & has 1 comment

    i tried making kimchi and rolled eggs using your recipe and it was great!!
    thanks..i’m going to try other korean recipe as well..

  6. Saoirse Singapore joined 7/11 & has 3 comments

    I have tried making Kimchi yesterday using your recipe and it was great! I could see liquid in the container with my Kimchi now! Yay!

    My mum found it a bit spicy though…

    But, how can I reduce the spiciness at this stage? It is the 2nd day now and will my Kimchi get less spicier when it is fermented?

    Or, should I remove the chili paste on the Kimchi and sealed it again?

    Or, should I add more porridge to it?

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      “should I remove the chili paste on the Kimchi and sealed it again?” Yes, good idea
      “, should I add more porridge to it?” no no no, I wouldn’t do that. The kimchi will be too sticky.

      • Saoirse Singapore joined 7/11 & has 3 comments

        Dear Maangchi,

        I made a bold move.

        I remove the chili paste on the Kimchi and placed some of the “removed” chili paste into some freshly made porridge. Then, I spread the new paste onto the Kimchi again. I left the Kimchi in room temperature for half a day and then put the Kimchi back into the fridge. And voila! The next day, when I tasted the Kimchi, its well fermented with a sour smell and it is not as spicy as before and it is not as sticky as I have expected and I can see some liquid in the container.

        I am so happy that it turned out well! ^^

        I have learnt my lesson though! I will try to refrain from putting lotsa of pepper flakes the next time!

        I will be making Mat Kimchi next time! ^^

        My Korean friend said that the Kimchi smelled GOOD! hahaha.

        Thanks for your recipe! ^^

  7. jun1 canada joined 7/11 & has 1 comment

    i made kimchi last week and i open it to see there is mold growing! what happened? i’ve made kimchi 3-4 times before and this has never happened before :(

  8. lenabonsai United States joined 7/11 & has 6 comments

    I am wondering about the difference in quality/taste among brands of Korean pepper flakes. When I last went to buy Kimchi ingredients the clerk advised be to buy one brand over the other because of its good taste and heavy pigment (it happened to be one of the most expensive bags there, but also turned out to be very good in kimchi et cetera). How much difference is there from brand to brand really? I know there are ‘hot’ and ‘mild’ versions of the flakes, but beyond that are there any brands/types to look for or avoid? If anyone has favorites or ones they do not recommend please, let me know! Any info will be helpful; hoping to spend less on my next large bag of pepper flakes (spent about $20 last time on a 3 lb bag). Thanks!

  9. Krisnani Jakarta joined 7/11 & has 1 comment

    Hi, Maangchi. Two days ago, I made kimchi used your receipt for the 1st time. But it taste too salty, what’s wrong with my kimchi? How to reduce the salty taste? Thank you.

    • Kim Yunmi United States joined 7/12 & has 30 comments

      1. You didn’t wash your kimchi before putting on the kimchi paste.
      2. You just don’t like it to sit for 2-4 hours. If you want that vinegary taste, but less salt, ferment it for only 1-2 hours.

      The Seoul version of kimchi usually salts it for less time (1 hour)… which may make the difference for you.

  10. piper_ying Singapore joined 7/11 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maangchi. I really want to try making kimchi but I couldnt find pepper powder around my area. Can chilli powder or chilli flakes act as substitudes instead? Really appreciate you advise! Thank you!

    • Kim Yunmi United States joined 7/12 & has 30 comments

      Chili flakes will not taste the same as made-for-kimchi kochu flakes.

      My childhood was filled with trying to make kimchi and never getting it to taste the same. This is because the Korean pepper was bred to be slightly sweet, yet burn lightly when you eat it. (If you’ve had a raw one they can range from very mild to very spicy, make you cry–drier ones make you cry, though you can’t tell from the surface.) Chili powder, as from the US stores is more burn, no sweetness.

      You can try to make up for the deficit with other natural sugars, such as from pears, but despite my experimentation, I never “got” it until I had the kochu powder and then I understood what was wrong.

      Also because of the burn, I couldn’t distribute the chili flakes in such a way to balance plain burn with taste.

      But if you don’t care that much, reduce the chili flakes by at least half, put them in a food processor (to cut up the spicy seeds) and try to salvage with Asian pear.

      If not to your heart’s content, White Kimchi is just as delicious. (Same recipe without the chili powder)

  11. msallmand Texas joined 6/11 & has 1 comment

    This is a great kimchee recipe. This has been my 2nd time making it and it was just as great as the first. Thank you so much. I will be trying more recipes from your site. Keep up the good work.

  12. mikel Philippines joined 6/11 & has 1 comment

    nice recipe… can’t eat without it…. thanks for sharing us this great food!!! :)

  13. Meian Sydney joined 6/11 & has 1 comment

    I’m glad I discovered your site! Korean food is my favourite! The videos are very helpful. It lets us know what to expect while making your recipes. I can now make my favourite kimchi soup!

  14. lewlegacy Paducah, Kentucky joined 11/10 & has 9 comments

    i had been making the quick and easy kimchi by your instruction, but decided to do this method (whole/quartered) for the first time after watching your videos. i preferred doing it this way and probably will do it this way from now on. this is about my 10th time making kimchi and i finally got the flavor right where i like it! when making it this way, after fermenting, do you cut it all at once or just cut it when your ready to eat it piece by piece?

  15. LearningToCook Boston joined 6/11 & has 1 comment

    I’n new to this site and just want to thank you so much for creating this. I have searched high and low for a great kimchi recipe. I really wanted a truly authentic recipe. I can’t wait to try this kimchi recipe. My husband is Korean and I would love to make this for us and for my mother in law. Thanks again for the video tutorials!!!

  16. indelibledotink Honolulu joined 5/11 & has 19 comments

    hi maangchi, i just discovered your site a few days ago and i love it! i had some kaktogi with a korean lunch on mother’s day and am now inspired to follow your recipe and see how it stands up to my halmuni’s.

    thank you!

  17. Hi, this looks great. I am new to Korean food. I love cabbage and spicy but I have yet to taste anything with fish sauce that I like. I think it is a taste I could accquire so I would like to try this recipe using maybe 1/4 of the sauce. Should I add something to replace he loss of this indgredient? Thank you, I am looking forward to learning from you.

  18. CatToy WV joined 4/11 & has 1 comment

    Hello Maangchi! I lived in Hawaii for five years, and so loved the food and the culture. Every day at work, there was always Kimchi in the break room and in the kitchen.
    I recently found your videos on youtube and I’m so grateful! I live on the east coast now but am in a very rural area, not very good eateries over here…so I tackled your KimChi! Oh wow, it’s just like the Kimchi in Hawaii; I also made your Fried chicken with red sauce and sesame seed. O M G! I had to use shrimp cocktail as I had no ketchup and it came out just as good. My husband had to come in from outside as he knew he smelled something wonderful cooking lol! I wanted to thank you for your great videos and site, now I know I can make all the wonderful dishes I grew to love in Hawaii!
    I used raw oysters and had enough for a 2nd batch and I added more peppers and even some shrimp to the 2nd batch. The oyster taste is so subtle and lovely! I had about 10 jars, and now I’m finding I’m craving it all the time. When I first left Hawaii; I craved the food badly. Now I’m craving my own Kim Chi lol! I’m looking forward to any other recipes you post, take care and enjoy Spring in NY!

    Cattoy in WV

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      “My husband had to come in from outside as he knew he smelled something wonderful cooking lol! ..” I’m very happy to hear that! It sounds like your homemade food contributes to your happy family! : )

  19. chsr420 joined 4/11 & has 2 comments

    I have recently tried kimchi that i bought from a local walmart. it was ok. but, i know this is not what kimchi is suppose to be like. so, i’m going to try this recipe soon. it looks delicous. you also own the same knives that i own, in this video. lol.

  20. I FINALLY got around to making kimchi for the first time and used your recipe exactly, and WOW. Thank you….this is soooo yummy. I live in Seoul and am going to bring some in to work for my co-workers on Monday and see their shocked reactions. I can’t wait! There was too much paste leftover, so I put it in an air-tight container and in the freezer. I’ll make some more kimchi with it in a couple weeks. Thank you thank you thank you maangchi!!!

  21. foodeterian UB, Mongolia joined 3/11 & has 3 comments

    Raelly good recipe I tried this recipe many times and result was fabulous ….. Thanks dear

  22. Hi, Maangchi. Yesterday I bought salted shrimp, how to use it, should I wash them before making kimchi or use as is. If you have experience with doing kimchi with beef broth?? Thanks that you are …

  23. gecor hong kong joined 3/11 & has 2 comments

    thanks so much for this website…i’ve been looking for authentic kimchi recipes for a long time coz i couldnt appreciate the commercial ones that i buy and even the ones i order in korean restaurants…after making ur kimchi recipes (cabbage, radish and cucumber), i’d say i found the taste i’ve been looking for…they’re just great!!! im actually about to make them again…love your other recipes as well…now i dont have to go to korean restaurants all the time to eat the dishes i want…way to go, maangchi!!!

  24. macdawwg minnesota joined 3/11 & has 1 comment

    Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, by making my first homemade Kimchi, Love your website, you are such a giving and joyful person. Most important ingredient is love, right? Maangchi you are the best. How about smoked oysters instead of fresh?

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      yes, the most important ingredient is love! When you make food for someone you love or yourself, you are supposed to use the best quality ingredients and make healthy food. : )
      But, but, smoked oysters don’t sound ok. lol Use fresh or frozen oysters.

  25. Redbird United States joined 2/11 & has 1 comment

    I went to the Asian market to get hot pepper paste, and walked out with hot bean paste. It’s a soy bean product-can I still use it for my kimchi?

    • oksipak California joined 1/11 & has 72 comments

      Redbird, you don’t want to use hot bean paste to make kimchi. Go back to the store and get hot pepper powder, (not paste). Hot pepper powder is in its pure form void of any soy bean product. If you want to make true kimchi, red pepper powder is needed. Good luck.

      I ran out of my very first kimchi batch so I will also be making kimchi this coming week. Can’t wait to see your kimchi. :) I buy hot pepper powder via Internet.

  26. edwinywc Costa Rica joined 1/11 & has 2 comments

    Hi there, I am new here. And I love your recipe. Thanks for sharing! By the way, I wonder should i use raw squid or cooked squid? And how long can a kimchi last without eating it? will mold grow on it? Thank you!

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      This recipe uses raw oyster. It sounds like you are talking about my another type of kimchi “mak kimchi” where I posted how to use raw squid in kimchi.
      Choose about 300 grams (2/3 pound) of very fresh squid. Then:
      Remove the guts and backbone and rinse it.
      Add 3 tbs salt and mix it with a spoon.
      Put it in a container or glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator for a week.
      Rinse the squid thoroughly until not slippery and drain it (you can skin it if you want).
      Dry the squid with paper towel or cotton and chop it up.
      Add it to your kimchi paste!

      • Kiew Chan Australia joined 1/11 & has 1 comment

        Hi I was in Seoul last year and fell in love with Koreanh food. I am trying to make Katkugi. Can I replace korean radish with white Chinese radish? How much does two Koprean radish weigh? Looking forward to learn from all your recipes.

        • Kim Yunmi United States joined 7/12 & has 30 comments

          Korean radish tends to be denser than Japanese or chinese radish probably from a thousand years or so of making kimchi… (Denser foods do better in pickling)

          You can use it, but salt it for a shorter amount of time. When I used Japanese radish (Daikon) it got soggy faster, so be sure to adjust and watch it.

      • edwinywc Costa Rica joined 1/11 & has 2 comments

        Oh, maangchi, you are right. Thanks for correcting me, and yes I was talking about that one.
        By the way, it always take 3 days to a week to make those wonderful kimchi, and I wonder how long could they be stored? Because I want to make a lot and store them for a long time.

  27. Dear Maangchi…
    I would like to know if the fresh oyster will still be fresh after couple of days in the kimchi. Is it safe to eat it, because i once got poisoned by eating dead oyster and i don’t want to have the same nightmare….

    Thank you Maanchi…i really love your site!!!

  28. JenPet017 San Luis Obispo, CA joined 12/10 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maangchi,

    My boyfriend recently attempted making kimchi and kaktugi for me, but when we ate it, the kaktugi came out much saltier than the kimchi did, almost like the radish absorbed some of the salt. Have you heard of this happening before and is there anything we can do to make sure it’s not too salty next time?


  29. mase kul joined 12/10 & has 13 comments

    You’re the bomb! Love your videos. My sisters and family are on 2 weeks vacation in Korea. I’m anxiously waiting for them to come back so that I can hear their comments about the food.

    I’ve tried several of your recipes and it turned out delicious. I really enjoy preparing the recipes especially when I recall you saying “sesame oil” at the end.

    Just a question – what would you serve together with this kimchee : rice and …….. .A simple balance lunch or dinner that mothers prepare for their family. Thnx again.

  30. MayaHaru17 Montréal, Canada joined 12/10 & has 1 comment

    It looks sooo delicious!! I was just wondering, the radish you sliced and put in the hot paste, does it need to go through the same process of “taking out” the water than the cabbage or does it need to be raw? Thank you so much! :)

  31. sunflower7 Singapore joined 12/10 & has 3 comments

    Hi Maangchi

    I am from Singapore. The weather in Singapore is the same throughout the whole year.

    To ferment the kimchi, do we leave it at room temperature for 24 hrs?

    Under step 2 of ‘How to handle cabbages and radish”, do we also do that in room temperature.

  32. jeanster Singapore joined 8/10 & has 9 comments

    What if I don’t have a food processor? How am I going to pound the garlic, onion and ginger into paste? >_<

  33. Hi!
    I am so excited about finding this site!!! second post this am!
    so here is my question. what other fish can i use instead of oysters? they just give me the creeps a little, haha. Can I use anchovies?

  34. Hi Maangchi,

    I accidently bough the fined hot pepper. What should I do? Do I need to go back to the store to buy the other one? Thanks!! :)

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