Hi everybody!
In this video I’m showing you a method I developed to make kimchi simply and easily. It’s faster and easier because I skip the porridge-making step, I use common cabbage instead of napa cabbage, and I don’t use oysters or fermented squid.

Why? Because this is an emergency! : )

Total time to make this kimchi is 30 minutes. If you have fast hands, it might be 20-25 minutes.

Most people know that traditional, authentic kimchi is made with napa cabbage (in Korean: “baechu”). While I travel, I sometimes see napa cabbage sold at local markets, but it’s not available in many countries. So when I want kimchi when I travel I make it with common cabbage (in Korean: “yangbaechu”). I know others have also been experimenting with this.

It’s a recipe that I developed over numerous trips to countries where napa cabbage wasn’t available. Which is why I call it “emergency kimchi.”

You could use this recipe when you need to make kimchi rapidly, or if there’s no napa cabbage where you live.

I stayed at the beach in Puerto Escondido, Mexico for 4 days. I made this kimchi on the second day and enjoyed it for the rest of the time I was there. The leftover kimchi was given to my new friend Bev from Arkansas. I’ll tell you about her in my next blog.


Cabbage, kosher salt, Korean hot pepper flakes (gochugaru), fish sauce, sugar, garlic, green onions, and carrot.


  1. Cut 2 pounds of cabbage into thin strips about 2-3 inches in length and ¼ inch wide. Place into a large bowl.
  2. Add 1 cup cold water and ¼ cup kosher salt. Mix it well with your hands to properly salt the cabbage.
  3. Set aside for 10 minutes.
  4. Make kimchi paste by mixing these ingredients in a bowl:
    ⅓ cup hot pepper flakes,
    1 tbs sugar,
    ¼ cup fish sauce,
    ¼ cup minced garlic,
    3-4 stalks of chopped green onion (⅓ cup worth),
    ¼ cup’s worth of julienned carrot
  5. Wash and rinse the salted cabbage in cold water a couple of times. Drain the water.
  6. Mix the kimchi paste into the cabbage thoroughly.
  7. Put the kimchi into a container, jar, or plastic bag.
  8. Press the top of the kimchi down with your hands to protect your kimchi from being exposed to too much air.
  9. You can eat it right away, just like salad. Or keep it at room temperature and it will ferment in a few days. Fermented kimchi can be used for kimchi stir-fried rice or kimchi stew, and it will be delicious.

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  1. Princess79 Singapore joined 7/11 & has 4 comments

    Hi Maangchi, I’m new user here! I have done emergency kimchi with napa cabbage last 2 days (have not fermented). I read your receipe said put in room temperature. If I want my kimchi to be fermented can I keep inside the refrigerator? Pls advise. Thanks!

  2. Cryosite CA, USA joined 7/11 & has 1 comment

    Hello, Maangchi. I just tried out this recipe as my first try of making kimchi on my own. I’ve loved kimchi for most of my life ever since my korean aunt introduced me to it (though I am caucasian). The results are currently sitting in the fridge; I plan to try out how well it turned out tomorrow!

  3. seraph74 Sydney, Australia joined 5/11 & has 7 comments

    I recently discovered kimchi at a Korean restaurant and understand why it is such a staple; it’s sooooo good!! I’m about to make my own, but only for my own usage, and mostly following this recipe. However, I do also have sweet rice flour available so I could make the kimchi porridge; if I was to do so, what sort of quantity should I use to make the porridge? Also, how does the porridge (or lack of) affect the taste? Given the amount of sugar that’s added to the other ‘easy kimchi’ recipe, I’m concerned that it may be too sweet for my taste; I prefer the ‘pickled’ taste over something too sweet. Should I try this recipe as is, or do you think I should add the porridge?

  4. shumphr Canton, GA joined 6/11 & has 1 comment

    This was so good, I made a 2nd batch! I’ve never made Kimchi before, and have only eaten it at restaurants, and, would gladly eat this over any other Kimchi! Thank you so much!

  5. ladyeleanor joined 12/10 & has 2 comments

    Thank you for posting this recipe. The Napa cabbage where I live is often lacking in quality. But green cabbage usually looks great. This recipe tastes so delicious, does not taste like it was lacking anything. And it will save me a lot of money compared to buying jarred kimchi online.
    Thank you!

  6. silkydoll1214 Manila, Philippines joined 3/11 & has 4 comments

    Hi maangchi! I made this and it was so good! Just looking at it all red and spicy, oooohhhlala!!! I’m close to finishing the batch I made. Thank you so much! :)
    P.S. I used the local fish bagoong (fermened fish paste) from Pangasinan, Philippines (hi there Filipino fans, you might want to try this). It’s not as salty as the ordinary fish sauce, but I think it’s close to the oysters you use for the non-emergency kimchi :)Here’s a pic of the fish paste I found in the web

  7. pingmouse Malaysia joined 4/11 & has 4 comments

    Maangchi is there a way to control the sourness of kimchi, I made a kimchi using apple & pear juice (sub. for sugar), the taste is good but after two days in the fridge it became overly sour. I have tried some kimchi in Korean restaurants in malaysia and they are not as sour as mine. Any advice?

  8. Eggroll Princess NC joined 5/11 & has 2 comments

    I <3 this recipe! I just made it yesterday and it was very delish! http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/222005_836164542641_25016793_40787938_15915_n.jpg

    Hope the image coding works. …xing fingers (^_^)

  9. ame616 Dark Woodlands. joined 4/11 & has 2 comments

    Hello Maangchi,
    Have a quick question: Can I make this without fish sauce.? I am a veggie and I cannot find veggie fish sauce here in UK. I just worry that if it would turn out not very good without the sauce.

  10. motzmart New York City, New York joined 2/11 & has 11 comments

    Can I make this without the carrots & green onions… just garlic and pepper flakes??

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      without carrots and green onions! haha, it sounds like it will be real emergency kimchi!
      I would add some fish sauce to “garlic and hot pepper flakes”
      If you are a vegetarian,find or make some “vegetarian fish sauce” to make your kimchi more delicious.
      Check this out. I found this for you. http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/287639

      • motzmart New York City, New York joined 2/11 & has 11 comments

        Thank’s… i ran out because everybody in the family started to like eating Kimchi. At first, I was the only one who is eating Kimchi(since my dad always buy me Kimchi flavored cup Noodles)then suddenly everyboody is loving it…

        • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

          haha, the instant noodles made your family get addicted to kimchi! Funny story! ^^

          • motzmart New York City, New York joined 2/11 & has 11 comments

            :) by the way. i was just checking when i made the emergency kimchi and i thinks it is much better than the fermented one that i made. i am like getting goosebumps whenever i eat this emergency kimchi. :) the sourness is much more enhanced, the spicy is much much better than the fermented one i made, and you know how sometimes when you just eat one you can’t stop eating the whole thing. i just finish a pint full in one sitting.. it is actually my ideal Kimchi… hahaha

  11. Yodamom Texas Gulf Coast joined 4/11 & has 3 comments

    Wow, this was so good. I have been wanting to male my own Kimchi for years and you made it so easy. I used vegetarian fish sauce instead, my family loved it.

  12. sukisas75 Dayton, Ohio joined 5/10 & has 2 comments

    Maangchi, my oma ussed to make this! I had always thought maybe she just made it up for when we didn’t have any napa cabbage. So glad to see it on here. Thank you!!

  13. Juul Rotterdam, Netherlands joined 6/09 & has 7 comments

    Wow, this turned out great!! I think I’m ready to try the mak kimchi now…
    From the looks of it you had a wonderful time in Mexico too.
    Thanks Maangchi; you always know what to do when there’s an emergency.

    Big kiss!

  14. annabby joined 3/11 & has 3 comments

    I made this yesterday but with Napa cabbage instead and its delicious!! Thank you for the recipe.

  15. bedbug joined 4/11 & has 5 comments

    I love the naming of this. Emergency indeed!

  16. ravi Queens, NY joined 9/10 & has 10 comments

    i am cracking up at what the mexican customs agents must’ve thought when they went through your baggage. most tourists on holiday travel with sunblock and a bathing suit. but maangchi travels with gojuchang, red pepper flakes and fish sauce. maangchi once again proves that she can — and will — make amazing korean food under any circumstances. super-maangchi ;)

  17. jeanster Singapore joined 8/10 & has 9 comments

    Can I make emergency katoogi out of this too?

  18. I forgot to rinse my cabbage and just drained it instead — is it going to be edible, or should I start all over again? What do you think?

  19. elle78 CA joined 2/11 & has 1 comment

    Hello Maangchi! First let me say I absolutely love all of your recipes! You are so adorable in all of your videos! Thank u so much for all the delicious foods I have learned to make from you! I lived in Korea for 2yrs an fell in love with Korean cuisine. I just made your emergency kimchi last week and made it again this week for a friends get together and now my in_laws! It was a hit of course! I love how easy this kimchi is to make, I usually make the traditional kimchi you make but this is pretty darn tasty and super easy! So this is going to be a staple in my home! My hubby who normally doesn’t eat any kind of green leafy vegetables or even veggies of any kind..ate 3 cups! Miracle!! I was delighted!! Thank you again for all delicious recipes!!

  20. lindsey.kim joined 6/10 & has 10 comments

    Thank you Maangchi!! This came at the perfect time. I’m currently living in Kuwait and I ran out of Kimchi. I went to go buy some more Napa Cabbage and they didn’t have any!! Then I remebered that you posted this emergency kimchi recipe…I will be making this today or tomorrow.

  21. vsit joined 2/11 & has 4 comments

    Thank you Maangchi for the recipe. I just made it and it was awesome, perfect to satisfy my kimchi’s craving :)

  22. Reinier Rotterdam, The Netherlands joined 2/09 & has 101 comments

    Emergency kimchi on a whisper…. Thank you for the recipe!

  23. totalduck Canada joined 11/09 & has 3 comments

    Maangchi, this was one of the best kimchi I have eaten in long time. Since my wife loves cabbage but is not crazy about super spicy like I am I made 2 batches. I just love the freedom of adjusting the heat and garlic level to individual taste!
    I took the liberty and published this recipe on my blog. All the credits and links are there. You can see it at:
    It is a second post from top. Your blog is listed on right side as a blog I follow with direct link. Let me know if you want it modified.

  24. Charmayne Oregon joined 3/11 & has 2 comments

    I made this dish last night and it is delicious. I will never buy kimchi in a jar again!

  25. I am so glad you posted this! I had a head of cabbage in my fridge, but no clue what I was going to do with it. I made this yesterday after work and ate a few forkfuls with dinner before working out… I am sure all the people at the gym loved my kimchi breath! Who cares! It was worth it!

  26. totalduck Canada joined 11/09 & has 3 comments

    Maanchi, how would I use anchovy sauce (Myulchi Aecjeot)in this recipe? Would it change amount of fish sauce? I made it with just 1 tablespoon of anchovy sauce but it is a bit on salty side. Also, after opening the bottle do I have to keep it in fridge? Everything is written in Korean. Thanks, Jerry

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      myuchi aecjeot is fish sauce. Follow the direction in the recipe. After opening the bottle, you don’t need to refrigerate it. It’s so so salt that it doesn’t go bad.

      • totalduck Canada joined 11/09 & has 3 comments

        I am confused now. I think that I didn’t ask right question. What I wanted to know is if I add 1 Tbs. of anchovy sauce how much less of regular fish sauce do I use. I think that if I substitute anchovy sauce for fish sauce in 1 to 1 ration it would be inedible. According to label the anchovy sauce is basically liquid salt at 99% of salt by content. I tasted it and it is nowhere near fish sauce that is 56% salt. I talked to the shopkeeper that sold the anchovy sauce to me and that is making kimchi on commercial level and he said that anchovy sauce is a kimchi starter, it starts the fermentation process. Fish sauce is thin anchovy sauce that had the fermentation starting ability stopped in process. You can’t start fermentation with fish sauce alone according to him and he makes gallons of the stuff. I think it makes sense. In traditional kimchi recipe the fermentation gets started by sweet rice flour or anything sweet. So, how would I use kimchi starter in your great emergency kimchi? It can’t be 1/4 cup.

  27. leeemur SF Bay Area joined 7/09 & has 9 comments

    Even though I have napa cabbage in the fridge, I’m gonna go to the supermarket tomorrow to get some normal cabbage so I can make emergency kimchi. haha… Thank you for the awesome recipe! Can’t wait to try it!

  28. powerplantop Louisiana joined 6/09 & has 70 comments

    So who was drinking the Corona first thing in the morning?

  29. Sylvia joined 9/08 & has 78 comments

    I think I need an emergency so I can try this :)

  30. EricaT joined 3/11 & has 2 comments

    I made this last night and it’s delicious! I’ve never made kimchi before because the amount your mak kimchi recipe makes is way too much for me. Even a recipe I found that is almost identical, but for half as much, was too much! So I kept on buying my kimchi. Until I ran out and was too lazy to go to a store that had it. Emergency! I need kimchi! So I made this! Now I have delicious kimchi to keep my tummy happy, and now that I’ve made this one, mak kimchi doesn’t seem so scary so I’ll make that next. Thank you!

  31. laniekay Richmond, Virginia, USA joined 9/09 & has 15 comments

    Maangchi, you mention above that you can make kimchi with squid instead of oysters, which makes me very excited! I have access to squid, but not oysters, and have always wanted to include this part in my kimchi.

    My question is, should I ferment the squid for a month (like in “ojingeo jeot”) before adding it to the kimchi, or just toss the squid into the kimchi paste, like I would for oysters??

    And thank you for the recipe! The more I eat kimchi, the more I find that I have kimchi “emergencies!” It is such an addictive dish! It’s strange to think that I lived the first 20-or-so years of my life without it…

  32. vsit joined 2/11 & has 4 comments

    The recipe looks awesome, as always :)
    I like the Corona in the corner of the table, it gives a vacation’s mood :P
    Take care!

  33. Earthangel626 New York joined 11/10 & has 8 comments

    My mouth is watering right now! Can’t wait to try this!!!

  34. jaylivg Houston joined 7/10 & has 107 comments

    will try this once we finished our kimchi !!! this is awesome !!

  35. KillDeer Hamilton, Ontario joined 9/10 & has 33 comments

    Emergency Kimchi? More like Best Kimchi! amiright?

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