Kkakdugi is a type of kimchi made from diced radish. It’s a very common kind of kimchi and often used in Korean everyday meals along with baechu kimchi (napa cabbage kimchi). It’s spicy, salty, delicious, and is incredibly crunchy. Best of all, you can make perfect kkakdugi in an hour!

I posted a video about how to make kimchi in 2007, when I had just started using YouTube. I showed how to make both baechu kimchi and kkakdugi in a single video, but I didn’t provide exact measurements as I wasn’t accustomed to measuring things out at that time. I mentioned things like “you need 2 medium sized napa cabbages…” But I soon realized that it would be diffcult for people to make their own kimchi without knowing the exact pounds, kilos, cups and spoons etc. Also, 2 major recipes in one video is a lot for people to learn!

So last year I posted an easy kimchi recipe that calls for 10 pounds of napa cabbage, and I tried to do my best to provide accurate measurements so that my viewers and readers could make delicious kimchi. Now I’m posting a more detailed kkakdugi recipe today, a recipe I have developed over years and years and is the best I have made so far.

I hope you enjoy it! Good luck in your kimchi-making!



  1. Peel Korean radish, rinse in cold water and pat dry.
  2. Cut it into ¾ to 1 inch cubes. Put into a large bowl.
  3. Add kosher salt and sugar, and mix well.
    *tip: If you like your kkakdugi sweeter, add 1 or more extra tbs of sugar.
  4. Set aside for 30 minutes.
  5. Drain the juice from the radish into a small bowl.
  6. Add minced garlic, minced ginger, green onions, fish sauce, hot pepper flakes, and ⅓ cup of the juice from the radish.
    *tip: The amount of hot pepper flakes you use depends on your taste; use ¼ cup hot pepper flakes for a mild version. For a vegetarian version, replace fish sauce with soy sauce.
  7. Mix it up well until the seasonings coat the radish cubes evenly, and the radish looks juicy.
  8. Put the kkakdugi into a glass jar and press down on the top of it to remove any air from between the radish cubes.
  9. You can eat it right away, and then store it in the refrigerator. Or you can let it ferment by keeping it outside of the refrigerator for a few days. When it starts fermenting, little bubbles may appear on top of the kkakdugi and it’ll smell strong & sour. Then put it in the refrigerator.

Kkakdugi goes well with many Korean soups, including kongnamulguk (soybean sprout soup) and ox bone soup.

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  1. Hweeneo joined 4/15 & has 1 comment

    Hello Mangchi! I made this kimchi for my husband and kids and they loved it! (Omg) this is the second time I made this ( lol ) but the first time, my kimchi was too salty but now, it taste great! Thanks for this great recipie!

    See full size image

  2. Oxide California joined 2/15 & has 47 comments

    I made this today. It is very good and 2/3 cup red pepper powder is just the right amount of spice! Thank you for the recipe and the video.

    • Oxide California joined 2/15 & has 47 comments

      Update: 1-1/2 days later and the flavors of this kkakdugi are outstanding! This is the best kimchi I have ever enjoyed.

      About the Korean radish — daikon is not a substitute for it. Sure, you can use diakon in this recipe, and it would be tasty, but the Korean radish is just so much more. And while you can eat diakon uncooked, raw, you will not fair well trying to do the same with a Korean radish. It is like trying to chew down a dried fibrous pineapple core with the taste of cardboard. But put it in this recipe and the Korean radish becomes a most delicious and crunchy thing of beauty.

      • pp_123 Hong Kong joined 12/14 & has 9 comments

        Oh really? I just finished my batch of raddish kimchi (like 10 minutes ago lol) and I used daikon instead of the Korean Raddish! I basically use daikon for all the raddish recipes uploaded by Maangchi since daikon is so much more easy (and cheap) to get in my area. [Well, Chinese turnips are the easiest to get but they taste awful…]

        I hope my kimchi will turn out well…어떡해???????!!!!!!! :(

  3. leemihyun Poland joined 1/15 & has 1 comment

    안녕하세요 Maangchi! I have tried many recipes from your websites, including different hot stews. I am not a Korean, but I am a big kimchi fan, and life is an endless 김장 for me. Last week I made 깍두기 using rice powder. I had some boiled powder left and used it to ferment little baby carrots. The result was beyond expectations! The carrots became spicy but a little sweet inside. Try it someday!

  4. Jennifer joined 9/08 & has 20 comments

    Thanks for sharing my kimchi picture on your page! Do you have recipe for green onion kimchi? I would love to try that.

  5. Lynnjamin New York joined 11/14 & has 31 comments

    This recipe is just perfect. Unbelievably tasty. It is sweet, spicy, with a tiny hint of fresh ginger. But the best part is what I enjoy with my ears. It really makes an awesome crunchy noise! I had never tasted it before making Maangchi’s recipe Definitely my new favorite. It is so easy to make. No mess and no pots to wash. It is easy to serve too, since it is all nicely diced and tidy. And I can actually (almost) pick up each little square with metal chopsticks (I have a loooong way to go, though)

  6. que Malaysia joined 10/14 & has 1 comment

    maangchi, you have used glass jar for keep your kimchi, can i used the plastic container to storage the kimchi?

  7. RennySeason Singapore joined 9/14 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maangchi

    When you say leave the kimchi to ferment under room temperature for 24hrs, does that extend to room temperature that is about 32 deg celsius? It’s sunny and warm in Singapore all year round!

    Thank you!

  8. smilesr4me United States joined 7/14 & has 2 comments

    Maangchi~ I followed your instructions for both radish kimchi and cucumber kimchi and the taste is fine but I was wondering what kind of pepper flakes you use as my version looks very different from yours. ㅠㅠ The pepper flakes you use look bright red and finely ground so later the finished product looks like more of a paste that flows smoothly over the vegetables, but mine clumps up and doesn’t break down into a smooth mixture. Do you have any suggestions? 감사합니다~


  9. Boateys Busan joined 3/14 & has 1 comment

    Ohkay I just made this and everything seems fine but I have two questions. I purchased my radish from a Korean Market and I did not use it for a week. I just tossed it in the crisper. When I went to make it I tried a piece before seasoning and the taste was bitter. I have only had Kkakdugi from a K-Barbecue restaurant and from the grocery store and the taste was pretty much the same. It was not bitter. Did I do something wrong or do I just have to let it ferment first? Also I could not for the life of me find a glass container so I stored it in plastic Tupperware. Could this become an issue?

  10. Yumika Hiroshima joined 3/14 & has 2 comments

    I’ve made, rather tried to make, kkagdugi on and off many times. This recipe is by far the best I’ve come upon. I’ve lived in Japan for several decades and visited Korea just once. I’ve met quite a few Koreans in Japan and been impressed by their hospitality and generosity. Back to the kimchi: I used daikon, of course, and the result: delicious. Thank you! I’m going to try more of your recipes :-)

  11. Holluu District of Columbia joined 2/14 & has 1 comment

    Hello Maangchi! I love your blog, and have been following you for years!! And, you are adorable. :)

    I have a question: If I don’t have a daikon radish, but have little red radishes on hand (like this picture: http://bit.ly/1mt3RQt ), do you think I can still make this?

    Thank you!!! Keep up the great work!

    – Holly

  12. ina78 Jerteh, Terengganu, Malaysia joined 4/09 & has 45 comments

    Actually i prefer radish kimchi in the mak kimchi…. its thinly and so delicious, if i added more radish when i make mak kimchi, is it okey? Or if i use this recipes, but cut the radish thinly, is it okey? Hmmmmm…… need advice from someone please….

  13. Can I add 1/2 of a grated apple to this? Will that be ok?

  14. cephlirie miami joined 1/14 & has 1 comment

    living in miami florida where can i find a korean radish or daikou radish…….. any websites please help. usually i go to the whole foods store and they sell kimchi but i want to try making this…..

  15. zipurlip2 USofA joined 7/11 & has 20 comments

    Maangchi, thank you very, very, very much for going through the trouble of figuring out measurements of the ingredients. I know as a greenhorn, I definitely need measurements as I don’t trust my so-called instincts. I’ve had kkakdugi in restaurants and always wondered how they created it. Now, thanks to you, I shall have it in my own home. I still have a large jar of 오징어채 무침 thanks to your recipe.

  16. Cassandre France joined 1/14 & has 8 comments

    Hi Maangchi !

    I made Mak-kimchi once, after coming back from Korea, and I was so much disappointed by the result (bad recipe I think). I found your recipes (Mak-kimchi and Kkakdugi) a little after that first try and promised myself to try with your method next time ; your video is mouth-watering! So, after a quick trip at my local asian store and ALL the ingredients in my bag, I started. First, I was a little skeptical about fish sauce because the smell is really strong and I didn’t remember the fishy taste in kimchi, and I was a little surprised to not add gochujang. But I followed your directions to the letter, put it into a glass jar, waiting the last minute to taste.
    And when I tasted, oh my god, I nearly cried! The taste was here, the exact same taste! :)
    So, thank you so much Maangchi, I will certainly keep your recipe!

  17. Julnyes Brooklyn joined 10/12 & has 6 comments

    I have now made this dish several times (every time my CSA has daikon radish in it) and I love it.

    I usually add carrots along with the other ingredients and this time around I also included some cubed kohlrabi and it worked perfectly.

  18. MeeAe Colorado joined 2/13 & has 11 comments

    Maangchi, many times when I make kimchi, especially kaktugi, after about two days on counter the kimchi smells like chlorine or bleach and has an off flavor that I don’t like. What could be causing this? Please help, I’ve thrown out so much kimchi.

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      Don’t throw it away.
      I don’t know much about chlorine or bleach smell from kkakdugi but kkakdugi sometimes smells bad just when it starts fermenting.

      To prevent the bad smell, don’t stir it until it ferments. You can press the top of kkakdugi with a spoon or hand but never stir it. When the kkakdugi ferments well, keep it in the fridge. After that, you can stir the kkakdugi. Whenever you take some kkakdugi, be sure to press down the top of the kkakdugi in the container.

  19. yuenekochan Finland joined 9/13 & has 2 comments

    Hello. Is there a reason why this radish kimchi doesen’t need any rinsing after 30 minutes like cabbage kimchi?
    I also want to know, can I put some super spicy fresh chilies (like bird’s eye or habanero) to kimchi? I have tried to put more hot pepper flakes but the spiciness is not enough. :P Or is it better to use dried habanero that fresh ones?
    Is there a big different between korean and vietnamese fish sauce? When I told the asian market owner that I want to make kimchi, he told me I have to buy korean fish sauce and vietnamese is not good :o I’m using the Squid brand.

    • Don’t know about the rest of your question, but the reason you don’t need to rinse radish as much is
      1, your cubes should be thicker and absorb salt better, and
      2, you have to cut up the radish, so there’s no dirt hiding in the chunks like can happen on cabbage leaves

  20. eviecat Seattle, WA joined 6/13 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maangchi!
    I’ve noticed that after a few days, the liquid turns from watery to kind of thick and gooey. Do you know why this happens? The only difference between your recipe and mine is that I added honey.
    By the way, I love your videos. They’ve been a lifesaver to me and my elementary cooking skills. Thank you!

  21. Rai Texas joined 5/13 & has 3 comments

    First off I just wanted to say thank you. I was adopted from Korea at 4 months old and I have been trying to connect to my roots through my cooking, Your website has given me the recipes to make that happen. I have already made quite a few! Today was my first time making Kimchi. I figured Kkakdugi would be a good one to start with. It came out great! I can’t wait to try it after it has been able to ferment a few days.

  22. D California joined 6/09 & has 43 comments

    DELICIOUS! Those who asked about the sweet rice paste, including myself, radish kimchi didn’t’t need it. The next time I make this, I will select a 5-pound radish because the kimchi was just a tad salty. Overall, very delicious. Very easy to make.

  23. D California joined 6/09 & has 43 comments

    Maangchi: If we wanted to make a sweet rice flour paste with the sauce, can we do that? Explain to us why you skip that part of adding sweet rice flour paste?

  24. D California joined 6/09 & has 43 comments

    I get it now. 2007 recipe of this recipe is combined cabbage and radish kimchi version while 2013 recipe is entirely radish version. I’m glad you updated the recipe where we can just make the radish version by itself. I ate some radish kimchi the other day for the first time and I really love the radish kimchi by itself. Now I can make my own. Thanks for all your video recipes. Your videos make it more clear and easy to understand exactly what you need to do and I can follow along in my kitchen as I am preparing each dish. I will make this radish kimchi this weekend.

  25. D California joined 6/09 & has 43 comments

    Why do some kimchi need to make a sweet rice flour paste and some don’t need it?

  26. butters67 Seoul joined 3/13 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maangchi,

    Can I use the same recipe to make seokbakji? is it the same?


  27. hellokitty08 joined 5/10 & has 35 comments

    How much sweet rice flour and water do I use for this recipe?

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      Sweet rice flour is not used in this recipe. Ingredients: ngredients:
      Korean radish (or daikon), salt, sugar, fish sauce, hot pepper flakes, green onions, garlic, ginger.
      Please check out the recipe.

  28. how come you didnt use rice flour in this recipe like you did in the other video?

  29. I followed this recipe and left it outside to ferment and it still didnt ferment. I put oysters in it too and I cut them in half but how long are the oysters good for?

  30. Kieusterrrr Louisiana joined 11/12 & has 3 comments

    when you tasted your radish at the end, did it taste really salty? Cause I just made mine and tasted it after mixing it, it was really salty! Will it taste better after fermented or will it be really salty?

  31. peteinatlanta Atlanta joined 10/12 & has 1 comment

    And you did that in a white shirt that stayed white! You never cease to amaze me.

  32. GiveMeKimchi Philadelphia joined 3/11 & has 8 comments

    Hi Maangchi. I have a jar of this in my fridge that has been there for… about half a year. It’s old now so I’m not sure what to do with it. The juice and spices looks like it has separated, if you know what I mean. Is there anything to do with old radish kimchi? I can make jjigae with old baechu kimchi, but I don’t know if the same can be said for kkakdugi.

  33. purpleshammrock california joined 9/12 & has 2 comments

    I made this on saturday and left it outside for 2 days to ferment and the colors looked good but how come some of the korean daikon that I bought is a little bitter? I used the Assi brand red pepper flakes. Also the daikon is not a crispy crunchy, but sort of like a tender crunchy. Did I buy an old daikon? I chose the daikon with a little bit of green at the end, too old or too young? This is my first time making this.


  34. lenaisraelsson sweden joined 8/12 & has 1 comment

    Do you ever user fresh chili pepper, red or green, in a kimchi?

  35. Jasmine K Vancouver, CANADA joined 8/12 & has 2 comments

    Hi Maangchi,
    Thanks for sharing this! I just made it few days ago, and it is really good. But I’m wondering how long it could last. I am in a small family so I am worried that it may not be good before we can finish. Thank you!

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