Among the side dishes made with tofu, Korean pan-fried tofu with seasoning sauce is one of the easiest to make and a favorite among all Koreans. With just one block of tofu, you can create a delicious side dish in 10 minutes! The flavorful sesame oil, toasted sesame seeds, soy sauce, garlic, minced onion, and green onion come together to enhance the taste, making it a very popular side dish.

When I lived in Toronto, Canada, I often went to the St Lawrence farmers market on the weekend. It was in a big building, and in the basement there was a store where people were lining up every weekend to buy some special tofu.

My friend was a regular customer at the store, so she let me taste it when she bought it. I was very surprised! Firstly, because it was so expensive, and secondly because it was a very simple tofu recipe. They were selling the tofu cubed and cooked with sauce for $7.99! The sauce was made with soy sauce and sugar or maple syrup.

It seemed like a very easy recipe to make. I took my friend to a Korean store and bought a package of tofu for 99 cents. We came home and we cooked it together. She was very happy and since that time, she has been doing all kinds of experiments with her favorite tofu side dish. She invents her own sauce these days. : )

Shortly after I started my YouTube channel, I posted this recipe along with a video, and now I have remade it with more precise measurements and updated proportions.

Enjoy making it deliciously!


Serves 3 to 4


Prepare the Sauce:

In a bowl, combine the soy sauce, gochu-garu, minced garlic, chopped onion, chopped green onion, sesame oil, and sugar (if using). Mix well and set aside.
Making seasoning sauce

Prepare the Tofu:

  1. Cut the tofu into 8 equal pieces, each about ¼ inch thick.
    Slice tofu
  2. Pat each piece of tofu dry with a cotton cloth or paper towels.

Cook the Tofu:

  1. Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Add the tofu pieces one by one to the skillet. Be sure not to crowd them, so they don’t stick to each other. Turn down the heat to medium and cook for about 5 minutes, until the bottom turns crunchy and golden brown.
  3. Flip the tofu pieces with a spatula and cook for another 5 minutes until both sides are light golden brown and crunchy.
    Golden brown tofu


  1. Transfer the cooked tofu to a serving plate.
  2. Drizzle the seasoning sauce evenly over each piece of tofu.
    Add seasoning sauce
  3. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds and some additional chopped green onion.
    Sprinkle sesame seeds
  4. Serve with rice as a side dish.


You can refrigerate the tofu for up to 4 to 5 days. It does not need to be reheated when served cold.

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  1. Maangchi! I made Dubu buchim yangnyumjang for dinner and my husband just inhaled the food. It was sooooo good. The sauce is yummy. I think my hubby loves me more than usual today. Lol! Thank you so much :)

  2. priscillajpark Shanghai China joined 5/10 & has 1 comment

    Thank you for your recipes! I make this and many of your other recipes for my Korean husband and in-laws, they love it! I always tell my friends who want to learn to cook Korean food to come to your site! 정말 정말 감사합니다!

  3. Maangchi! Another great side dish..I’m glad to be part of your site..(finally!) Thanks for great recipes…I am a popular cook (for korean cuisine) to my friends because of you!!..By the way, I am a Filipino teaching English to Koreans..^__^ More power to you!! I will definitely cook this ASAP!!

  4. BxlSprout Brussels, Belgium joined 5/10 & has 46 comments

    Hi Maangchi, just want to tell you that I served this to friends, and on Friday one of them showed me she proudly posted your recipe on the bulletin board at the European Commission in the East Asian sector where she works.

  5. shethatisnau Las Vegas, NV joined 5/10 & has 8 comments

    I made the spicy one to go with some galbi I bought pre-marinated. :} It made an excellent side dish, thanks for the recipe! My boyfriend gobbled it up, too!

  6. reesejin corona joined 4/10 & has 5 comments

    I made this yesterday and it was super tasty! yum yum. thank you =)

  7. Lyn147 Malaysia joined 1/10 & has 3 comments

    I would like to know how to make a side dish which I have bought from a korean foodstore. It is lotus root slices cooked in soysauce and tasted very delicious. Thanks.

  8. 기사보고왔어요^^..
    우리나라 정부에서도 제대로 못하는 일을 개인이 하시네요..
    한국에 있으면서 한국 요리도 제대로 못해서 걱정인데
    메일로 구독신청했으니 하나씩이라도 꼬박꼬박 배워서 하려구요!

    앞으로도 좋은요리 많이 올려주세요~~

  9. I don’t have corn syrup, can I use maple syrup instead?

  10. 박도현& has 1 comment

    기사를 보고 왔어요. 너무 좋습니다 이런 활동을 하시는것이.
    근데 다른 분들이 남긴 유튜브를 보다보니까 일본 음식으로 아시는분이 꽤 되시더라구요. 게다가 이따다끼마스~라는 잘먹겠다는 일본어까지 하면서.. ㅠㅠ
    한국이라 그 분에게 리플도 못달고 (한국 정책상 댓글 막혀있음 ㅠ.ㅠ)
    여기에 하소연을.. ㅠㅠ
    암튼 저도 이제 매일 와서 보고 음식도 하려구요!
    너무 감사합니다 ^^

  11. what kind of soy sauce do u use? just wanna know the specific name of the soy sauce ur using.

  12. wholesale jewelry lots& has 3 comments

    Many say , tofu is the secret for silky white skin! I wonder if this is true at all! any comments on this?

  13. I cooked dubu buchim yangnyumjang according to your instructions and it turned out great!!

    ~~~~thank you~~~~ (*.*)

    I used to think tofu as a flat, plain and ridiculously boring ingredient, but with these recipes, we became fans of dubu. Your instructions are great, super easy to follow (^.^)

    next, I will try to prepare tamagoyaki (rolled egg omelet) korean way. Can’t wait!

  14. Hello Maangchi,
    I am just going to say that you had already heard so many time ” Thank you and I love what you had done for helping all the korean food lovers. You are really amazing.
    By the way, I would like to ask you a couple of questions:
    1. I bought “Dried sesame seed leaf”, however, I had no idea how to make a side dish. I thought just soak it in the water for few hours, then, fry it for few mins. then mix it with salt, pepper flake, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil & suger. However, it turned a really disaster dish. Pls. help, I don’t want to waste a whole pack of dried leaf just because I don’t know how to cook it properly.

    2. I had been eating Korean hot pot in the restaurant all the time & I really love it. That is the reason I found your website as I was searching ” Korean Hot pot”.. then I found your bulgogi stew which I had tried & it was really yammy. Therefore, I’m wondering if you may show us how to do more hot pot dish, such as “Sausage hot pot or Spicy beef hot pot”, so, whole family can enjoy it together.

    Final of all, I just want to say, you are everything but a simple woman:-) Simply the best xoxo

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      Is dried sesame leaf is sold at a grocery store?
      What do you mean it turned out disaster? Please leave your question on the forum.

      When I handle dried vegetable, I usually boil it first and soak it in water for a while to make it softer.

      Korean hot pot (shabu shabu) recipe will be posted someday in the future.

      • 망치님, 제생각에 vita님이 질문한 것은 깻잎절임에 대해 묻는 것 같네요.dried leaf가 아니라 fresh leaf를 사용하고 생깻잎을 싫어하면 살짝 쪄서 먹으면 향이 약해지는데 fry 해버린게 아닌가 싶네요(프라이 하면 깻잎절임이 재앙이 될 수도 있겠네요,호호호) . 그리고 ‘korean hot pot’은 부대찌게와 육게장을 말한 듯 싶구요.
        저도 기사를 보고 왔는데 정말 유익한 일을 하고 계시네요. 한가지 제안하고 싶은것은 한국 음식의 특성과 개성인 삶고, 찌고, 살짝 데치는 종류의 조리법을 많이 소개해서 다이어트도 되고 건강에 좋은 음식을 전세계인들이 섭취하게 되었으면 좋겠네요. 한사람의 한국인으로서 망치님 정말 고마워요. 그리고 분발하시길… 새해에는 더욱 건강하시고 행복하세요!!!

  15. hey maangchi!
    i’ve just recently discovered your blog and i love it – love it – love it! :) i’ve always been a big fan of korean food but as a vegetarian i couldn’t find too many authentic recipes, but since i’ve found your blog my life has so far i’ve tried your doenjang jjigae recipe and now dubu buchim yangnyumjang. can’t wait to try out more!

    btw, i’ve posted pics of my dubu buchim yangnyumjang on my blog, here:

  16. Hi Maangchi!

    I’ve made both these dishes and many more on your site and they’re great! I was wondering if you could post some more doshirak ideas some time soon? Sometimes it’s hard to think of great tasting and colorful combinations that stay packed well.

    Thanks so much for all your hard work on this site! :)

  17. i often watch your videos on youtube, but i never actually tried the recipes… until today! Here’s my result:
    thank you very much mannngchi!!! it was very delicious!

  18. Hi Maangchi,

    I have recently become interested in Korean language, culture, and cooking because I have become totally addicted to the Korean dramas on Mind TV out of Philadelphia/Allentown. I am picking up enough (spoken)Korean to be able to tell when they are not translating literally, LOL!

    Anyhow, I wanted to pass on a little recipe for a cold tofu salad to the lady that feels guilty about frying her tofu (I do too!) I’m sorry it doesn’t have measurements, (I’m one of those annoying old-fashioned cooks who doesn’t measure anything), but the recipe is so simple, you don’t really need the measures.

    Drain one block of extra firm tofu and cut into bite-sized cubes. Toss in a bowl with a handful of chopped green onion stems, a shake or two of garlic salt, and enough sprinkles of hot(red)sesame oil to coat the cubes. Cover and refrigerate for a couple of hours so the flavors can blend. Stir in some toasted sesame seeds shortly before serving. Serves two people.

    Manhi Tamsamida!

  19. Hello! I recently discovered your website and I just want to say THANK YOU for making Korean food not so intimidating! Do you live in Toronto? I am from Toronto but am now currently living in the Texas. I miss Toronto and all the amazing asian food there!! I have been trying to learn how to make korean food myself, and find your recipes easy to follow!

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      I moved to NY from Toronto last year. yeah, I miss Toronto, too! Especially my favorite Korean grocery store PAT on Bloor and Christie! I hope you can find Korean ingredients easily in your area. Welcome to my website!

  20. Hi Maangchi
    Just wanted to let you know that those recipes are simply delicious! And I’m the one who usually can’t stand tofu, so that’s a great flattery I’m doing.
    Thanks so much!

  21. Hi Maangchi,

    I love this easy side dish.
    but i was wondering where did you get those fun long plates where you put your tofu in? I tried to find it in stores but couldn’t find it…maybe you have a site for that?

  22. You are a charismatic and talented chef. Have they offered you a cooking show? Asian cuisine stymies many Americans but you make it seem simplified and easy. My mouth waters just watching the videos for entertainment but I am learning a lot.

  23. Hi Maangchi!
    I just made this for my lunch box and it was very good. What I liked the most is that the dish was quick and easy. Thank you!

  24. Maangchi,
    Thank you so much for the recipe for dubu ganjang jorim! My mom used to make it all the time when I was a kid, and I always wanted to learn how to make it!

  25. wow Thank you for this recipe!!!

    I just made the tofu with spicy sauce and i made the mung bean sprout sidedish with it , considering they have the exact same sauce.

    They go super well together! XD

    I made it for my family and they ate it all very quickly!

    And my niece who is allergic to eggs likes it as a substitute.

    Thank you Maangchi.

    I will send pictures in a little while.

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      oh, Karina,
      I got the photos of your tofu dish through email. It looks wonderful! The arrangement of tofu looks exactly like mine!
      I wish I could give you high five! : ) It’s a brilliant idea of putting seasoned soybean sprouts next to the tofu.
      Thank you very much! I will post your photos on my website soon (maybe tomorrow)! Those who are reading this message will be curious about your tofu dish, too.

  26. Glad to finally see the tofu recipes. I’ve tried the kanjang ones before, without any solid recipe and it wasn’t that consistently good. Sometimes it was great, but oftentimes, as my husband would say, turning from bad to worse. Hopefully, I’ll get to level of consistent good with the proper recipe you’ve shared with us. there anything that is a bit of stew or a tofu side dish that doesn’t have to be fried? I kinda feel guilty of frying these lovely tofus all the time. ;)

    Can’t wait to try these ones tomorrow though. Thanks a bunch Maangchi! You rock!

  27. The 두부부침양념장 is to die for! What is the 밥 in the 두부 도시락? It looks 맛있네.

  28. Hey maangchi,

    I made your Dubu Ganjang Jorim dish yesterday for lunch..

    Here it is! It was very good! :)

  29. How come you put chan-gee-rum in the kan-jang? My mom doesn’t do it that way

  30. I regularly make the pan-fried tofu side dish, but I’ve never used corn syrup to caramelize the surface. I think this will make it even tastier, and I can’t wait to try this recipe!

    Thank you!

  31. Made the tubu buchim yangnyumjang tonight. I was just finishing the sauce when my husband said, “Oops. We don’t have any changireum.” I had to run out to the store at 10:00 p.m. because I had been really wanting to eat this tubu and I wanted it to taste right. It was worth the grocery run! Very yummy. :)

  32. I Heart 두부 :]
    thx 망치
    my korean is getting a little better, 네?

  33. Reinier Rotterdam, The Netherlands joined 2/09

    I always wanted to do more with tofu besides making bulgogi jungol and mandu, this recipy is a great addition.

  34. Wow this looks so tasty and delicious!!! My Korean fiance does not like tofu (or vegetables) but it’s okay, I will gladly make your recipe and eat it myself! Thank you for posting some yummy tofu dishes!

  35. ravenouscouple& has 2 comments

    These are great tasty dishes! can’t wait to try it. We like fresh tofu as well, especially for summer months and just made fresh cold tofu with ponzu sauce–hiyayakko tofu.

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