10 months old kimchi!

Almost one year since I made it… Look at this, 10 months and it is now perfect for cooking, it litterally looks sour ;)
Delicious old kimchi and the oysters in it gave a wonderful aroma !

The recipe for traditional kimchi is here!


  1. Nayko france joined 10/18 & has 34 comments

    Yes the oysters were incorporated in the kimchi paste (for comparison, this is a picture of the same kimchi 10 months ago). I did not add many oysters, I had 10 cabbages, I added 12 fresh oysters (rinced in mixed korean pear)
    The conservation was made in an e-jen container and I paid attention to manipulate it as less as possible.
    It’s very rippen and eating it raw is now an experiment but I made a stew with it (with tuna and tofu) and it was delectable !

    See full size image

  2. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 593 comments

    Did you add fresh oysters when you made this kimchi 10 months ago? It almost looks like cooked kimchi with lots of brine. Yum!

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